

International and Mobility Office

The International and Mobility Office (IMO) of ESS CVP Lisbon is responsible for coordinating and stimulate the academic community in carrying out educational and scientific activities through agreements with international partner institutions.

The IMO is led by professors Matilde Soares and Filipe Moura and has the collaboration of at least one liaison person from each Teaching Area, as well as members of the Secretariat of ESS CVP Lisbon.

The objectives of IMO, in close collaboration with the Teaching Areas of ESS CVP Lisbon, are:

  • Management of partnerships/agreements with foreign entities;
  • Dissemination of applications for internationalization programs
  • Management, selection, and recruitment of students, teachers, and staff of ESS CVP Lisbon
  • Welcoming, academic and social inclusion of international students

The activities carried out by IMO are mainly (but not exclusively) within the Erasmus+ program in conjunction with the other two Schools of Health of the Portuguese Red Cross in Portugal (Norte and Alto Tâmega).

IMO aims to reinforce its presence and impact on health with the growing development of international students and academic staff, promoting a culture of quality and institutional cooperation beyond borders.